Thursday, September 2, 2010

April 2010 Spanish Version of the Book

Mexican visitors to Los Dos, my Mexican bed and breakfast, have been saying, "We're so sorry we can't read Georg's book. Too bad it's not available in Spanish. I decided to try to meet that demand, and now the Spanish version, El Judio con el Cruz de Hierro is in its third edition.

I have a very dear friend to thank for the quality and perfection of the final Spanish version. Deborah Fountain, born in Mexico to American parents, is totally bi-lingual and she spotted a number of words and expressions in the Spanish version (translated by a Cuban) that could have been confusing to Mexican readers. She took home from her Mexican vacation copies of the book in English and Spanish. With infinite care and love she went over the entire book, correcting and improving the Spanish translation. I'm looking forward to her visit this coming Thanksgiving!

Not too long ago a Mexican woman said during breakfast, "I'm having feelings of deja vu. My 15 year old son was asked to buy, read and write about a book, written in English, about World War II for his English class. He was happy to find the perfect book at Sandi's book store in Chapalita, Guadalajara, Jalisco."

The mother had been totally unaware that she was going to be vacationing at the home and studio of the author of the book, The Jew with the Iron Cross, and she couldn't wait to tell her son about it.