Sunday, June 26, 2011


     First off, thanks to Jim Lloyd, the director of Funker Rauch back in May, I'm now able to share with you his news of that event, along with the lovely photos he included. I tried to insert them here but was unsuccessful, but if you follow this link, you will be able to read and view:

This month University of Guadalajara students, Manuel and Marino, who have spent the year photographing Georg's 500 large pencil drawings, finally completed this monumental task. They are such sweet guys, and it's always a treat to have to have them here. Yesterday my photographer friend Luis Mancera also spent the day, and he shared a few special tips with the students that will serve them well in their future.

Manuel and Mario are on vacation from school, so intead of the usual weekend day, they were able to spend 5 whole days, often working far into the night, and finished the photos of the drawings but also began their new, self-imposed task of scanning the hundreds of slides of Georg's oil paintings.

I truly don't know how I became so lucky and said jokingly today that maybe they should do their final theses on Georg, since they are now the two people who know most about his work.

While they were here M and M also did a photo shoot with Paola, the lovely masseuse. I hope to put these photos up on my B and B page soon.

And, last but not least, they also participated in the TV filming for Book Model TV. Since this is a blog about Georg's book and his work, I won't go into that too much. There is a connection, though. Knowing that the crew would be filming I was inspired to tackle the studio which had been sadly neglected. Friend Lety and I deep cleaned,  pried a multitude of nails from the walls, spackled, repainted and finally rehung the walls. It's so wonderful to walk into the room now, sparkling white, with the paintings carefully selected for theme and colors. I think Georg would be happy!